Nikon is the heart of the National Student Photography Awards. Nikon is partnering with other national sponsors to help build the program and reward the schools and students that have entered.. Nikon is also excited to encourage and work with local sponsors. Local sponsor’s funds are used to promote the event locally through schools and directly fund photography, film or arts departments in local schools that have entered the program.

National Sponsors

National Sponsors are the bones behind the program. Their donations help the program to grow nationally and are the reason why the National Student Photography Awards exist.




Local Sponsors

Local Sponsors are equally as valuable to the success of the program. Local donations can help the program to explode locally and can really change how communities see and support photography, film or arts departments in local schools. Local Sponsors can individually choose the schools or Zip Codes they wish to have their donations shared with and all donations are a tax deduction.


The government has dramatically removed support and funding for photography, film or art departments in the last 20 years. Support for these areas has become more reliant on local support than ever before. The commercial world is changing and the skills that these departments help our kids develop are becoming more valuable every day. It makes no sense to not try to build  and promote these skills in the next generation.


Jill Sanders first expressed the idea in 2018. She wanted to encourage those who loved her photography to help grow the funding for Art Programs in Schools. Jill imagined creating a Non- profit where local donations went to schools that had students enter a photography awards program. Every single person she talked to about the concept was supportive and interested in being involved, In 2023 she started talking with Jeff Mitchell from Nikon and the National Student Photography Awards were born.


The National Student Photography Awards is a non-profit, designed to promote school photography, film and art programs with donations from individuals and companies that love these skills and understand the growing value in the corporate world. All donations to NSPA are a tax deduction

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